Therapy Rates

Please note that fees per session are set in accordance with the Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) recommended rates. Practice number: 0758574.


R1200.00 per session (2025 standard practice rate)


  • We are contracted and accept to most Medical Aids

  • If you are on Medical Aid, I can claim directly from your Medical Aid according to the specified tariff rate.

  • Please note that different Medical Aids have varying rates for Psychological services.

  • If your Medical Aid benefit or savings is depleted, you will be responsible for payment of the sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an appointment?

Fill out and submit a contact form here and we will get back to you as soon as possible with appointment details.

Your first session

Every therapy experience will be unique in its own right and it’s only natural to feel anxious about what to expect. The first counselling session is an intake of information surrounding your needs or concerns, expectations and goals (outcomes) of therapy. You will also be requested to sign forms to acknowledge the nature of therapy, the client/ therapist responsibility, payment arrangements, cancellation policy and limits to confidentiality.

Thereafter, I will ask questions to gain a comprehensive understanding of your current experience, symptoms, personal and family background, relationships and any other information that may be pertinent to your concerns. Generally, the duration of this session around 1 hour to 30 minutes. In some cases, collateral information (that is information from partners, teachers etc. may be necessary if helpful to the outcome of the therapeutic process). This will only be done with your informed consent (permission).

Collaboration and mutual respect are key ingredients to the therapeutic process. The therapeutic model utilised in sessions will be shaped on the nature of the clients concerns. In this context, clients are aided in bringing about constructive and desired change to improve their quality of life and overcome any obstacles. Therapy is aimed at facilitating emotional and mental well-being to not only cope now but in the future.

How many counselling sessions are required?

The counselling process is unique to each individual and the treatment plan will vary according to therapeutic needs of the client. All efforts are made to assist and support clients but dependent on the nature of the concern therapy may range from short-term, solution focussed between 6-8 sessions and may vary for longer term therapy.

Limits to Confidentiality

Please be advised that all records and communication between the client and myself will be kept private and confidential and may not be disclosed without written informed consent. This means written permission from you will always be obtained. However, the law and ethical parameters pose certain limits to confidentiality. These exceptional situations include the following:

  • If you are in imminent danger to yourself, pose a risk or threat to others or if your life is threatened by someone, the law requests I take the necessary steps to prevent such harm.
  • If the court orders the disclosure of records.
  • Reporting of child abuse according to the Child Care Act 74 of 1983 and the Domestic Violence Act 133 of 1993.
  • Reporting a mentally unstable individual who is at danger to themselves according to the Mental Health Care Act 18 of 1973.

Psycho-legal Disclaimer

At this time, I do not offer psycho-legal services. If the need arises I will refer you to the relevant Professionals.

Cancellation Policy

Kindly note that sessions not cancelled 24 hours in advance will be charged for.